
La Perla

La Perla is bullerengue, cumbia, merengue, gaita, and Creole champeta.

The story of La Perla is the one of women artists, disciples of the musical tradition of the Colombian Caribbean, who met during the last decade, to cultivate, harvest and share a cultural heritage, confluent in spaces of innovation, to the point of producing an original sound with a very singular attitude and charisma.

Today La Perla is composed of Diana San Miguel, Karen Forero , Lali De la Fauz, all multi-instrumentalists and vocalists

Each one of its members contributed to the concepts, arrangements and compositions, which enabled them to stand out first in Bogota, then throughout Colombia, roaming concert halls, bars, festivals, with their first EP, released by Mambo Negro Records in 2017.

In 2019 the group release a new Ep „Que Paso“ and is invited to collaborate with international artists like Baja Frequencia (Chinese Man Records) and embarks on a European tour.
Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the finest Colombian music live!



Übersicht artists

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