She started her small radio show on Test FM, called Melomantica, just to share her passion to all genres of music with the guests and listeners from all over the world, and ended up playing on the markable events like Boiler Room x Opium Vilnius, Present Perfect Festival, Signal Festival. As a DJ she tries to keep an element of surprise in her performances friendly mixing any genre together. The goal of her sets is to make people dance and to save the element of surprise and unpredictability. Errortica’s unique recognizable sound at the junction of balearic beats, techno bounce and breakbeat is the result of passion for digging.
Her debut record «Safely Stowed» was released on french Les Yeux Orange label and was sold out in two weeks. Her tracks were recently released on vinyl compilations by Warning, Planet Trip Records, System108 labels. Now, growing up as a producer, Errortica is preparing her first live-show and performing as a DJ all over Europe.
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